great learn and play apps for children. find us on your favorite app store.
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Android
1. Go to your favorite app store and make sure you have latest app update installed on your device.
2. If device has one, check to make sure the devices Mute/Sound Off button is not turned ON.
3. If device has one, check to make sure the Sound button on device is turned ON.
3. Make sure your volume is turned on and up, by using the volume controls on your device.
4. If still having issues, quit or close out of all open apps on your device. Sometimes having too many open apps will cause volume issues. After you quit or close out all open apps, relaunch app.
5. For iOS - If device does not have a mute, silent or ringer button on device go to Control Center > tap Silent Mode button/Bell icon to UNMUTE device.
6. Or go to Settings > Sounds. In Sounds, make sure Mute/Silent is turned OFF and volume is turned on and up to desired level.
7. Perform any of the above options and then restart your device.
8. If the problem persists after following instructions, you may have to delete and re-install the app itself.
9. Contact Us
iOS and Android
1. Go to your favorite app store and make sure you have latest app update installed on your device.
2. Update your phone to make sure you are running the latest system update.
3. If you are using an older device or operation system, the app may not run efficiently.
4. If any Silly Spin app is quitting when swiping up on the wheel or the notification page drops down when swiping down on the wheel, please note this is an iOS feature and is not related to the app. This iOS feature sometimes interferes with apps that utilize the whole screen. Please update apps for new version which addresses this issue.
5. iOS only: If you are not ready to update and this quitting issue is interfering with the player’s playtime, please try the following Guided Access iOS feature.
Step 1: To fix so the player stays in any Silly Spin app,
you can use the Guided Access feature in
Settings > Accessibility. The Guided Access feature
will lock you into the app and can even allow you to
have a set time your child can play an app.
1. Delete the application from your device.
To delete - Press down on the icon until all your icons start shaking. An X should appear on the top corner of the icon. Press the X and you will be prompted to delete.
2. Re-download the application with the same iTunes login. You will not have to purchase it again. Please restart your device after re-downloading.
1. Delete the application from your device. Re-download the application with the same Google Play login. You will not have to purchase it again. Please restart your device after re-downloading
Yes. Re-download the application with the same app store login and you will not have to purchase it again.
iPhone require iOS 7.0 or later for best performance.
Android info coming soon
iPhone - iPhone 5s and above
iPad - iPad Air and above
Android info come soon
We want you to have the best experience with our apps. Please reach out to us with question or comments. Please give us two business day to reply, but we reply to all inquiries and would love to hear from you. Contact Us
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