great learn and play apps for children. find us on your favorite app store.
Encourage player to sing or say the alphabet with you in Silly Spin ABC. Talk about the colors of the rainbow in Silly Spin Colors. Help player find hidden actions and fun facts in the different modes. Ask them to repeat the letter or color and the sound it makes. These activities will help develop speech, cognition and imagination.
From easy to challenging. Mode levels are designed to be played as child learns and grows to match players skills as they develop.
Tap play and game autoplays as a movie.
An easy tap anywhere on screen plays game. This mode is perfect for babies and those that need a little extra help with their fine motor skills.
This mode is accessible with Apple's iOS and Android's accessibility features.
Learn more here.
Practice swiping and easy tapping skills on the wheel.
Practice swiping and advanced tapping skills. Find hidden actions and fun facts.
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