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Spin of the wheel to learn your colors in this entertaining and engaging color learning app, featuring all the colors of the rainbow.
Download for iOS/Apple Devices
iPhone or iPad
For iOS, follow link and download Silly Spin Colors beta with these easy download instructions.
(You will first need download the app Testflight through the link. Testflight is a free app to beta test apps on iOS.)
Download for Android Devices
phone or tablet
For Android/Google Play, follow link and download Silly Spin Colors beta how you would any other apps on your
phone or tablet.
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Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Spin the wheel and find out what's behind each color.
Enter the Silly Spin Colors world to learn all the colors of the rainbow and more.
Explore your favorite colors, plus so much more. What makes a rainbow? Can you make the frog hop? What sound does a train make? Swipe and tap your way around Silly Spin's world of rainbow colors.
Easy Tap - tap anywhere on screen for the wheel to spin and playful actions to play. Very fun and simple. This mode is designed for babies, toddlers or players who need more fine motor assistance.*
Swipe and Tap - the same as Easy Tap, but player can spin the wheel and use fine motor skills to chose what color to play
Explore - most interactive mode. Tap and swipe on each page to find hidden surprises like flying a helicopter or building a rainbow or pulling a carrot out of the ground!
Make sure to spin tap and swipe to find all the colorful actions on each page
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